DMI API Tutorial#

This tutorial gives an introduction on how to use the Danish Meteorological Institute’s (DMI) API to download meterological observation data (v2).

The tutorial uses the Python programming language and is in the format of a Jupyter Notebook. The notebook can be downloaded and run locally, allowing you to quickly get started downloading data. Part 1 of the tutorial provides some background basic information on how to work with the API, whereas a complete example is provided in Part 2.

If you’re new to the DMI observation data, I recommend that you check out some of the following links:

  1. Meterological observations data

  2. Meterological observations API

  3. Station list

  4. Station list explained

  5. FAQ

  6. Terms of use

  7. Operational status

  8. User creation:

First, in order to retrieve data it is necessary to create a user and obtain an api-key. This api-key grants permission to retrieve data and allows DMI to generate usage statistics.

A guide to creating a user profile and getting an api-key can be found here.

api_key = 'xxxxxxxx-yyyy-zzzz-iiii-jjjjjjjjjjjj' # insert your own key between the '' signs
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# Delete this cell if you run the notebook locally
import os
api_key = os.environ["DMI_API_KEY"]

An easy test to see if your api-key works is to paste the following url into your browswer followed by a question mark and your api-key, e.g.: (the example API key error).

If you have obtained an api-key and pasted it correctly, a page with data will be shown.

The following code blocks retrieves a list of all the DMI stations (both in Denmark and in Greenland) and plots them on a map using the Python package Folium.

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import requests
r = requests.get('', params={'api-key': api_key})
stations = pd.json_normalize(r.json()['features'])
stations.columns = [c.replace('properties.', '').replace('geometry.', '') for c in stations.columns]

# Fileter out inactive stations
stations = stations[stations['status'] == 'Active']
# This line removes previous locations of the same station
# thus only the newest/current location is shown
stations = stations[stations['validTo'].isna()]
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[3], line 3
      1 import requests
      2 r = requests.get('', params={'api-key': api_key})
----> 3 stations = pd.json_normalize(r.json()['features'])
      4 stations.columns = [c.replace('properties.', '').replace('geometry.', '') for c in stations.columns]
      6 # Fileter out inactive stations

NameError: name 'pd' is not defined
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

Part 1: Retrieving data#

Part 1 of this tutorial will show how to request data and convert it to a table format. Part 2 will deal with how to request specific data and more advanced data handling.

First, the necessary libraries have to be imported:

import requests # library for making HTTP requests
import pandas as pd # library for data analysis
import datetime as dt # library for handling date and time objects

In the following code block, data is retrieved using the requests.get function. Further information on REST APIs and HTTP request methods can be found here.

DMI_URL = ''
r = requests.get(DMI_URL, params={'api-key': api_key}) # Issues a HTTP GET request
<Response [200]>

The response status code indicates whether the request was successful or not. A 200 code means that the retrieval was successful.

Next, we extract the JSON file containing the data from the returned request object. JSON is a human-readable format for data exchange.

json = r.json()  # Extract JSON data
print(json.keys())  # Print the keys of the JSON dictionary
dict_keys(['type', 'features', 'timeStamp', 'numberReturned', 'links'])

When inspecting the json object, it can be noticed that the measurement data is contained within the features:
[{'geometry': {'coordinates': [8.0828, 55.5575], 'type': 'Point'},
  'id': '00000001-30ad-ae74-5b33-7ef0a1a6ef92',
  'type': 'Feature',
  'properties': {'created': '2023-07-08T04:22:44.246708Z',
   'observed': '2015-09-11T10:10:00Z',
   'parameterId': 'temp_dew',
   'stationId': '06081',
   'value': 11.4}},
 {'geometry': {'coordinates': [11.3879, 55.3224], 'type': 'Point'},
  'id': '00000005-79f9-4ab8-6905-bec39ce37f54',
  'type': 'Feature',
  'properties': {'created': '2023-07-07T12:46:35.469876Z',
   'observed': '2010-08-10T03:30:00Z',
   'parameterId': 'humidity',
   'stationId': '06135',
   'value': 100.0}}]

The JSON object can be converted to a convenient table (pandas DataFrame) using pd.json_normalize:

df = pd.json_normalize(json['features'])  # Convert JSON object to a Pandas DataFrame
df.head()  # Print the first five rows of the DataFrame
id type geometry.coordinates geometry.type properties.created properties.observed properties.parameterId properties.stationId properties.value geometry
0 00000001-30ad-ae74-5b33-7ef0a1a6ef92 Feature [8.0828, 55.5575] Point 2023-07-08T04:22:44.246708Z 2015-09-11T10:10:00Z temp_dew 06081 11.4 NaN
1 00000005-79f9-4ab8-6905-bec39ce37f54 Feature [11.3879, 55.3224] Point 2023-07-07T12:46:35.469876Z 2010-08-10T03:30:00Z humidity 06135 100.0 NaN
2 00000006-ffbe-6f2f-fe2a-4ed40a6fa65a Feature NaN NaN 2023-07-08T10:03:52.695118Z 1960-12-16T06:00:00Z cloud_cover 06190 100.0 NaN
3 0000000e-638e-5ce8-2dab-0a16387eb3e9 Feature [8.6705, 56.383] Point 2023-07-08T00:17:49.896354Z 2005-08-22T06:00:00Z temp_max_past12h 06056 16.6 NaN
4 0000000e-fa0d-c953-0901-0856867a22bb Feature [11.6035, 55.7358] Point 2023-07-07T14:01:51.083752Z 2014-04-08T17:10:00Z pressure_at_sea 06156 1006.3 NaN

The timestamps strings can be converted to a datetime object using the pandas to_datetime function.

df['time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['properties.observed'])
df['time'].head()  # Print the first five timestamps
0   2015-09-11 10:10:00+00:00
1   2010-08-10 03:30:00+00:00
2   1960-12-16 06:00:00+00:00
3   2005-08-22 06:00:00+00:00
4   2014-04-08 17:10:00+00:00
Name: time, dtype: datetime64[ns, UTC]

Last, we will generate a list of all the available parameters:
parameter_ids = df['properties.parameterId'].unique()  # Generate a list of unique parameter ids
print(parameter_ids)  # Print all unique parameter ids
['temp_dew' 'humidity' 'cloud_cover' 'temp_max_past12h' 'pressure_at_sea'
 'wind_speed' 'temp_soil_max_past1h' 'weather' 'wind_dir' 'temp_dry'
 'wind_dir_past1h' 'precip_dur_past10min' 'temp_grass'
 'leav_hum_dur_past10min' 'temp_min_past1h' 'precip_past1min'
 'precip_past1h' 'pressure' 'radia_glob' 'wind_speed_past1h'
 'humidity_past1h' 'sun_last10min_glob' 'precip_past10min' 'visibility'
 'visib_mean_last10min' 'leav_hum_dur_past1h' 'temp_soil'
 'temp_soil_min_past1h' 'wind_min' 'temp_grass_min_past1h'
 'wind_min_past1h' 'cloud_height' 'temp_min_past12h'
 'wind_max_per10min_past1h' 'temp_max_past1h' 'temp_soil_mean_past1h'
 'wind_max' 'radia_glob_past1h' 'temp_grass_mean_past1h'
 'precip_dur_past1h' 'wind_gust_always_past1h' 'sun_last1h_glob'
 'temp_mean_past1h' 'temp_grass_max_past1h' 'snow_depth_man']

Part 2: Requesting specific data#

The above example was a heavily simplied example to illustrate how the API can be accessed. For most applications you probably want to specify query criterias, such as:

  1. Meterological stations (e.g. 04320, 06074, etc.)

  2. Parameters (e.g. wind_speed, humidity, etc.)

  3. Time frame (to and from time)

  4. Limit (maximum number of observations)

Click the “View to show” button below to see a list of a all stations and parameters.

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all_stations = [
    '04203', '04208', '04214', '04220', '04228', '04242', '04250',
    '04253', '04266', '04271', '04272', '04285', '04301', '04312',
    '04313', '04320', '04330', '04339', '04351', '04360', '04373',
    '04382', '04390', '05005', '05009', '05015', '05031', '05035',
    '05042', '05065', '05070', '05075', '05081', '05085', '05089',
    '05095', '05105', '05109', '05135', '05140', '05150', '05160',
    '05165', '05169', '05185', '05199', '05202', '05205', '05220',
    '05225', '05269', '05272', '05276', '05277', '05290', '05296',
    '05300', '05305', '05320', '05329', '05343', '05345', '05350',
    '05355', '05365', '05375', '05381', '05395', '05400', '05406',
    '05408', '05435', '05440', '05450', '05455', '05469', '05499',
    '05505', '05510', '05529', '05537', '05545', '05575', '05735',
    '05880', '05889', '05935', '05945', '05970', '05986', '05994',
    '06019', '06031', '06032', '06041', '06049', '06051', '06052',
    '06056', '06058', '06065', '06068', '06072', '06073', '06074',
    '06079', '06081', '06082', '06088', '06093', '06096', '06102',
    '06116', '06119', '06123', '06124', '06126', '06132', '06135',
    '06136', '06138', '06141', '06147', '06149', '06151', '06154',
    '06156', '06159', '06168', '06169', '06174', '06181', '06183',
    '06184', '06186', '06187', '06188', '06193', '06197', '20000',
    '20030', '20055', '20085', '20228', '20279', '20315', '20375',
    '20400', '20552', '20561', '20600', '20670', '21020', '21080',
    '21100', '21120', '21160', '21208', '21368', '21430', '22020',
    '22080', '22162', '22189', '22232', '22410', '23100', '23133',
    '23160', '23327', '23360', '24043', '24102', '24142', '24171',
    '24380', '24430', '24490', '25045', '25161', '25270', '25339',
    '26210', '26340', '26358', '26450', '27008', '27082', '28032',
    '28110', '28240', '28280', '28385', '28552', '28590', '29020',
    '29194', '29243', '29330', '29440', '30075', '30187', '30215',
    '30414', '31040', '31185', '31199', '31259', '31350', '31400',
    '31509', '31570', '32110', '32175', '34270', '34320', '34339'

all_parameters = [
    # Cloud cover and height
    'cloud_cover', 'cloud_height',
    # Humdity
    'humidity', 'humidity_past1h',
    # Precipitation
    'precip_past10min', 'precip_past1h', 'precip_past24h',
    # Pressure
    'pressure', 'pressure_at_sea',
    # Radiation
    'radia_glob', 'radia_glob_past1h',
    # Temperature
    'temp_dew', 'temp_dry', 'temp_max_past12h', 'temp_max_past1h',
    'temp_mean_past1h', 'temp_min_past12h', 'temp_min_past1h',
    # Visibilty and weather
    'visib_mean_last10min', 'visibility', 'weather',
    # Wind speed and direction
    'wind_dir', 'wind_dir_past1h', 'wind_gust_always_past1h', 'wind_max',
    'wind_max_per10min_past1h', 'wind_min', 'wind_min_past1h',
    'wind_speed', 'wind_speed_past1h',

Due to poor design of the API, it is only possible to request one station or all stations, and similarly, it is only possible to request one parameter or all parameters. To be able to select a subset of stations or parameters it is therefore necessary to loop as shown below. This also avoids hitting the rather low maximum amount of data that can be transferred for each request. The implementation below is most suitable for downloading a few stations and a few parameters, and will incur a significant performance penalty if downloading data for all stations.

# Specify the desired start and end time
start_time = pd.Timestamp(2022, 1, 1)
end_time = pd.Timestamp(2022, 1, 15)

# Specify one or more station IDs or all_stations
stationIds = ['04250', '06188']
# Specify one or more parameter IDs or all_parameters
parameterIds = ['radia_glob', 'wind_speed']

# Derive datetime specifier string
datetime_str = start_time.tz_localize('UTC').isoformat() + '/' + end_time.tz_localize('UTC').isoformat()

dfs = []
for station in stationIds:
    for parameter in parameterIds:
        # Specify query parameters
        params = {
            'api-key' : api_key,
            'datetime' : datetime_str,
            'stationId' : station,
            'parameterId' : parameter,
            'limit' : '300000',  # max limit

        # Submit GET request with url and parameters
        r = requests.get(DMI_URL, params=params)
        # Extract JSON object
        json = r.json() # Extract JSON object
        # Convert JSON object to a MultiIndex DataFrame and add to list
        dfi = pd.json_normalize(json['features'])
        if dfi.empty is False:
            dfi['time'] = pd.to_datetime(dfi['properties.observed'])
            # Drop other columns
            dfi = dfi[['time', 'properties.value', 'properties.stationId', 'properties.parameterId']]
            # Rename columns, e.g., 'properties.stationId' becomes 'stationId'
            dfi.columns = [c.replace('properties.', '') for c in dfi.columns]
            # Drop identical rows (considers both value and time stamp)
            dfi = dfi[~dfi.duplicated()]
            dfi = dfi.set_index(['parameterId', 'stationId', 'time'])
            dfi = dfi['value'].unstack(['stationId','parameterId'])

df = pd.concat(dfs, axis='columns').sort_index()
stationId 04250 06188
parameterId radia_glob wind_speed radia_glob wind_speed
2022-01-01 00:00:00+00:00 0.0 3.6 0.0 4.9
2022-01-01 00:10:00+00:00 0.0 4.0 0.0 5.5
2022-01-01 00:20:00+00:00 0.0 3.8 0.0 4.8
2022-01-01 00:30:00+00:00 0.0 3.8 0.0 5.3
2022-01-01 00:40:00+00:00 0.0 3.8 0.0 5.9

If the request was succesfull, the dataframe df now contains the requested data. The dataframe is a MultiIndex dataframe and has two column levels (station and parameter). The index is the observation time.

MultiIndex dataframes are extremely convenient and versatile, though they do take some time getting used to. As an example, the below command demonstrates how to get the wind speed from the station 04250 for four days in December:

df.loc['2022-01-05':, ('04250', 'wind_speed')]
2022-01-05 00:00:00+00:00    9.2
2022-01-05 00:10:00+00:00    7.5
2022-01-05 00:20:00+00:00    6.1
2022-01-05 00:30:00+00:00    4.4
2022-01-05 00:40:00+00:00    4.4
2022-01-14 23:20:00+00:00    5.5
2022-01-14 23:30:00+00:00    4.7
2022-01-14 23:40:00+00:00    4.8
2022-01-14 23:50:00+00:00    5.0
2022-01-15 00:00:00+00:00    4.4
Freq: 10T, Name: (04250, wind_speed), Length: 1441, dtype: float64

The last step is to visualize the data. As an example, we’ll visualize the wind speed and global horizontal irradiance (GHI) for the station 04250.

station = '04250'
params = ['wind_speed', 'radia_glob']  # parameters to plot

# Generate plot of data
ax = df[station][params].plot(figsize=(8,5), legend=False, fontsize=12, rot=0, subplots=True)
ax[0].set_ylabel('Air temperature [$^\circ$C]', size=12)
ax[1].set_ylabel('Global horizontal\nirradiance [W/m$^2$]', size=12)
ax[1].set_xlabel('', size=12)
Text(0.5, 0, '')